Shadows Of Undrentide Level Range
shadows of undrentide level range

shadows of undrentide level rangeshadows of undrentide level range

A Longsword proved handy to bash in doors and chests though, but a Quarterstaff fits the character better role play wise.A problem with ranged weapons is their limited damage. In the game it was however hardly used. For melee damage the Quarterstaff is an alternative, the rangers default Dual Wield feat helps with this two-handed weapon. These arrows are rare though and most of the time standard arrows are used. Arrows with elemental damage or other bonuses can be chosen depending on the enemies. This mod make the annoying sounds silent at the moment it is not all of them but that will come.The longbow is the main weapon, for close fights Point Blank Spot is used.

Then, Belt of Strength and Nashers Ring of Strength are used to give an extra boost Strength. Later in the game Mighty weapons become available for which the Strength modifier is added to the damage. Improved Critical Hit is a must to widen the Critical Hit range.

Later Protection against Elements is useful to prevent elemental damage and Cat's Grace to boost Dexterity. Both Entangle and Grease will slow down enemies so they can be killed before they reach you. Other equipment with small bonuses, spells and potions can then be used to reach the Ability Cap.Several spells are gained early in the game to improve evasion of enemies.

The Dire Wolf was chosen as Animal Companion as it can stand its ground in melee fights. In HotU, after a short trip with Deekin Scalesinger, Dealin Red Tiger joined the party as the main Henchman in Undermountain and Valen Shadowbreath in the Underdark and Cania. In SoU I chose Dorna Trapspringer throughout the game. Overall this ranger doesn't rely too much on spells or potions for combat.Companions are chosen to deal and catch the majority of damage. At Shadowdancer levels Shadow Daze might be handy to daze enemies.

Hiding helped a lot in some key battles. There were a few fights that required a specific tactic or extra preparation. In lower levels it might get though to evade enemies but with Haste and Hide in Plain Sight this becomes easier.

Shadows Of Undrentide Level Range Full Points May

Nevertheless, Hide and Move Silently still had to be boosted by equipment later in the game and even then Hide in Plain Sight wouldn't always work. All extra skill points went into Tumble.As with my other characters probably the skills could be more balanced as full points may not be required for each of them. It appears that in some of the higher levels 8 skill points are given instead of 7 although I do not yet know why (maybe I just missed a skill) and didn't at them into the build scheme below. The character was well able to deal with all enemies in either way except for Mephistopheles for which the help of Valen Shadowbreath was required.The character has been played through SoU and HotU and several improvements were made since the original design.

As a Shadowdancer much more skill points are gained, 10 extra skill points are added to Lore and in the end the extra points go into Tumble. Maybe the initial points that go into Listen should be divided between these two skills too. This leaves some points to divide between other skills which are Search and Listen.

Maybe some points in Animal Empathy might be nice for a ranger.An interesting variety might be to build a Ranger (21) / Shadowdancer (7) to gain access to Bane of Enemies feat for extra damage against Favored Enemies with the longbow.* Feats written in cursive and preceded by a + are gained automatically. Nevertheless, identification of cheap items is always useful.

shadows of undrentide level range